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When Your Brook Dries Up…

When Your Brook Dries Up…

I Kings 17… Elijah was a great prophet of God! He told Ahab, the king, that God was going to stop the rain for a time. That would mean “famine in the land.” But the Lord took care of Elijah by sending him to a brook to get water, and God sent ravens to feed him bread each day. Everything was going well, “until the brook dried up!”

Maybe you have been in that situation… Things were tough and then, “your brook dried up!” Fear can easily set in but FAITH says, “God has another plan!” God sent Elijah to a little widow woman who had nothing. (You would have thought God would have sent Elijah to a wealthy woman who had plenty of food and water!) But he sends Elijah to a widow woman who was going to “bake her last little cake for her son and then they would both die!”

But Elijah said, “Bake me a cake first!” Read the story! God blessed her and “her meal barrel and cruise of oil never ran dry until the Lord sent rain and stopped the famine!” So… when your brook dries up, God has a better plan! It will always be “for your best!”


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