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When You’re Blessed by God, You’re Blessed, Indeed!

When You’re Blessed by God, You’re Blessed, Indeed!

I love the book of the Numbers, especially chapters 22 and 23! If you’re bored, read about the “talking ass!” That should wake you up!!!

Balak was the king of Moab, the son of Zippor. (His name, Balak, means “empty, wasting, or to lay to waste!”) He was looking for a “prophet,” or someone who could “curse” the Israelites! Balak did everything he could to find someone to “curse” the people of Israel… He finally found “Balaam,” a non-Israelite prophet or diviner. He lived in Pethor. (His name meant, “one who makes a profit from religion.”) Balak was always saying, “Come, curse me Jacob, and come defy Israel!”

After lots of pleading with Balak, the Lord sent Balaam a “word from the Lord” for Balak…

Numbers 23:19-20: “God is not a man that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken and He shall not make it good? Behold I have received commandment to bless: and He hath blessed, and I cannot reverse it.”

I know a lot of Christians believe that someone can put a “curse” on you. The Haitian people “live in fear” that someone will do this to them. But to all God’s children, “When you’re blessed, you’re blessed, indeed!” Satan cannot reverse it! God is on your side!


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