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Wishing He Was “Just Like a Normal Kid…”

Wishing He Was “Just Like a Normal Kid…”

Jackson will be returning to the Dominican Republic tomorrow for more doctor’s visits. He lost two bottom teeth last month when he was in our clinic, went into a seizure, and fell out of bed, losing his two bottom teeth in the fall. Many of you know that we found him in the mountains during a Mobile Clinic with a huge, swollen belly. He had “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition.”

After a few years, his left leg has become crooked and the doctors in the Dominican Republic don’t have a lot of hope that it will ever be normal. Last year, after doing “very well” in 9th grade, he missed the last major test because he had to go back to the Dominican Republic. So he had to repeat 9th grade! They would not let him take his test late! He needs to come back to Haiti one more time to take that test… again.

One of our partners recently sent in some bicycles for our kids. While Jackson was helping me in the depot, he wanted to try on the bike helmet and have his picture taken with the bike, as if he were “just a normal kid.” Please remember him in your prayers. “With God, all things are possible!”


PS: You will see Jackson leaving tomorrow with Philemond our driver, and several nurses for his dialysis routine.

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