“And when he (the angel of the Lord) saw that he (Jacob) prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.” Genesis 32:24-25 – In Bible days, the “thigh” had a significant meaning. Warriors would wear their swords near their thighs because it was a “trusted place.” In Genesis 24:9, Abraham’s servant had to put his hand on Abraham’s thigh to swear that he would find his son, Jacob, a bride. But now, Jacob found himself wrestling with a very strong man, an angel, all night long. But when the angel found that he had not prevailed against Jacob, he touched the “hollow of his thigh” and made it go out of joint. I imagine this was painful, and that he would soon be walking and leaning on his staff. Jacob, the “deceiver” had been changed to “Jacob the believer!” He would no longer be the deceiver, but now, he would learn to “lean on the Lord,” as his strength. Sometimes, we need to lean on “Him.” We must do everything we can do, but then, “let go and let God take over.” Lean on Him today as Jacob did! Blessings, Sherry
Word from the Mission Field – 03-12-18
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