“And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: He maketh both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.” Mark 7:37 – I feel sorry for people who don’t believe in miracles! They are real, if you are looking for them. One of our little children at our Love A Child Children’s Home in Haiti, Makenson, had a “stroke” three weeks ago. He is about ten. He was normal when he went to school and all of a sudden a stroke hit him! He could not walk, talk or move his arms. He had no feelings in his legs or arms. We took him to the hospital, and they could do very little for him and sent him home. For several days he was only able to lie there, then he began to use his hand. He wrote down the names of the children (we have over 80), and then, he wrote “Bondieu” (God) in Creole. When he did this, he just began talking!!!! Everyone came running into the children’s home to see the miracle of Makenson “talking!” Yes, He still does “great things!!!” Sherry

Word from the Mission Field -03-14-18
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