A God of “More than Enough,” or “Just Enough to Get By.”
In Exodus, 16th Chapter, we see Moses leading 1,000,000 Israelites across a desert to an unknown land. He has no roadmap and there are no stores along the way. The responsibility is great, but he trusts the “unknown” God who is his provider. God gives them “water from a rock and manna from Heaven.” There is so much manna that they are not allowed to keep it overnight. He gives them what they need that day, and they can eat until they are full. Imagine this miracle of provision! Are we serving a God of “More than Enough,” or a God of “Just Enough to Get By?” Our God is a God of “more than enough to meet your needs today!” Blessings, Sherry

Word from the Mission Field – 05-22-18
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