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Read Sherry's Journal: Creole Bible Distribution

Word from the Mission Field – 10-09-18

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” Isaiah 10:27 – You don’t have to face your problems alone. Faith in God must be woven in and throughout your whole being. When your faith comes in contact with God and His power, it is a force that cannot be destroyed.
And notice that He will not just “break the yoke,” but He will destroy it. I love that word “destroy.” This morning, Bobby and I will face a test, and we also must pray that God will DESTROY that yoke. We cannot face our own problems by ourselves. We must let the Lord carry the load for us, and we know He will. He will “break every chain,” as the song says, “break every chain,” and every yoke. Lift your head up and begin to praise the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for “breaking the yoke,” and bringing deliverance! Sherry

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