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Word from the Mission Field – 10-11-18

“Just Say The Word!” Matthew 8:5-9
This is such a wonderful story of someone who understands “authority.” What better person, in the Bible days, than a Roman Centurion?
When Jesus enters into Capernaum, he is met by a Roman Centurion soldier. Roman Centurions were captains over about 100 men, and had worked their way up the ranks. They were paid more, and they worked harder, learning to “obey” and “give” commands. This unnamed soldier meets with Jesus and immediately tells Jesus that he has a faithful servant at home who is sick of the palsy. Jesus offers to come and heal him, but Jesus already knew what he would say. “Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed,” because I understand authority. Jesus was amazed! This Roman Centurion understood what many Christians do not. “Just speak the word!” When we pray, we must believe like the Centurion that when Jesus speaks, miracles happen!! You are not far from a miracle, today!!! Sherry

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