In the Book of Matthew, Jesus talks about “seed.” Since Love A Child has a wonderful “Agricultural Program,” I thought that I would try to find out what Jesus was talking about, especially in Matthew Chapter 13, beginning with verse 24. “The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed ‘good seed,’ in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares, (weeds), among the wheat, and went his way.” Jesus said, “He that sowed the ‘good seed,’ is the Son of man,” so all we knew was that we had been “planted in Haiti,” in a dark hole, by the Lord.
The enemy always comes along to sow “tares,” (problems) and tries to stop us. When we moved to Haiti on July 1st, 1991, we were caught at the beginning of an “embargo” against Haiti. No airlines were flying in or out. We had very little electricity and we felt like we were “cut off” from everyone! We had been “planted by God” in that dark hole, in those “dark hours!” We had hardly any income. We were on a small radio station and had to send “radio tapes” out every day by DHL. But, they had stopped flying too. Banks were closed. But we did not give up… We decided to drive down to the Haitian Phone company (five days a week) and “stand in line” to use a “phone booth” in order to call the radio station “live” and keep our program on the air. While we were in the phone booth trying to do a “live broadcast,” there would be Haitians pounding on the see-through walls of the phone booth, wanting us to quit talking! We did that Monday through Friday until the embargo was over. We lived in that “dark hole” where God had planted us… but, as we grew together with the “tares” (the problems that we faced), God brought us out, and blessed us to be able to help more Haitian people. Today, don’t feel bad if you have been “planted” by God. You’re not “buried!” “You’ve been planted!” There’s a big difference!!! You will push your way to the surface and come forth as gold!! So, hang in there!!! Sherry