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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t Just Sit There! Do Something!”

Some people pray and pray, and that’s great! God wants you to pray. But, God also wants you to put “your faith into action!” We always hear, “I’m waiting on the Lord.” But, did you ever stop to think that the Lord is “waiting on you, to make this first step?”

We all love the story in II Kings, 7:3-8. We see four lepers outside the gates of Syria. They had a decision to make. There was a famine in the land and people were starving to death. You could say they were between “the devil and the deep blue sea!” They were facing death! In the first place, they were lepers… no one wanted to see them or touch them! No one wanted to go near them. They had two choices, “Sit here and die of starvation or, take a step of faith and go meet the enemy “face to face!”

About six years ago, a man came to stay with us here in Haiti for a while. He had been in the toughest wars ever! He told Bobby, “When your enemy comes at you with a knife, you gotta run right into the enemy and his knife!” He said, “you can’t sit there and die! You may get wounded, but you must meet the enemy face on!” This was the decision of four starving lepers at the gate of Syria. They said, “Why we sit here until we die (of starvation)? Let’s do something!” They never knew that the Lord had already made the enemy “hear the noises of horses and chariots,” and the enemy left town in a hurry! They left behind food, in abundance, wine, jewels, raiment, cattle, and silver and gold!! They went and told the people of Samaria!! It was God’s provision!!!!

Today, you may have been praying and praying for the Lord to do something! Now, you must put some faith behind your prayers! Do something that will require a “step of faith,” and watch God move! We believe in miracles!!


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