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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Out, By a Strong Hand!”

The Lord has delivered Bobby and me from many hard and difficult situations, especially here in Haiti. There were many times when we thought that God had forgotten about us, but “He was there all the time.”

The Book of Exodus is an amazing story of God’s people in bondage for over 400 years, knowing nothing but “slavery, bondage, and beatings.” But, when His timeclock said, “It’s time,” then, “it’s time!” They left Egypt! And, after 400 years and many generations knowing “nothing but captivity” and being “born into captivity,” God said, “enough is enough!”

And the children of Israel got ready to “get out of Dodge!” And God “brought them out by a strong hand!” Exodus 13:9

So, never give up! God’s timing is perfect, and He will bring you out “by a strong hand!” So, hang in there! Help is on the way!


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