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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Your Battles Make You Who You Are…”

The Book of Joshua is so exciting! Right before Moses died, he left his “mantle” on the shoulders of a young man, very close to his heart named Joshua. He was “full of faith” and unafraid! His first major battle after the death of Moses was the Battle of Jericho, which as we know, was the most fortified city of its time. Right before the battle, he sees a “man with a sword drawn in his hand,” and Joshua asked him, “Are you for us or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the Lord am I now come.” Joshua 5:14

I believe God sends his Angels to help us fight our battles! After that battle, he went on to win one after another. He too crossed the Red Sea and the waters stood up in heaps as it did for Moses, and he took many cities after that. Each battle made him “stronger.” The Lord allows us to face battles, too. Each time we come through one, it makes us stronger and grows our faith in God! And, God would never give you a “battle” you cannot win! Have a great day!


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