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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Keep on Knocking!”

Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, a Bible teaching was sweeping across the States. Not to be critical, because many who were teaching this were men of God. However, I could never wrap my brain around it. They were preaching that “you only had to ask God once,” because if you asked Him again, you didn’t have any faith!

Bobby and I were preaching on the street corners and in poor areas of town. We were believing in God for some things, but we were just believing and knocking on God’s door! Sometimes, people feel that they are “bothering God” by asking, but that is not so. Jesus told the story of the unjust judge, “who feared not God.” (Luke18) A little widow woman needed justice against her adversary, but the judge would not answer the door! But the little widow woman kept coming back and “kept knocking on his door.” It worked! She actually “wore him down,” but she got what she wanted!!

Bobby and I live in an orphanage in Haiti with 80 plus kids! I can tell you that “there is always a knock!” We can tell the knock of a child from the knock of an adult… But one thing is for certain, even if we “pretend” we are busy, they will keep on knocking! And they get what they need!!! We are all the children of God. If we keep on knocking, it never makes our Father angry. In fact, it shows that we love Him, and we have faith in Him! And He will answer our prayer! So, do like our Haitian kids and keep on knocking! The Lord will open the door and give you the answer you need!


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