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Word From the Mission Field

Word From the Mission Field

“Someone Is Watching You.”

We pray for many things each day… wisdom (of course, we need that), financial help, healing, and the list goes on. But, what about souls?

When we first came to Haiti, it was difficult to learn how to win people to the Lord… especially witch doctors. There were no books or tapes on “How to win a witch doctor to the Lord.” We prayed about souls, but never prayed and asked God, “How do we win a witch doctor to the Lord?” But, the answer was there all time, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16

We came to understand that the “world” is watching us, each word we say, what we do, what love we show. The first witch doctor we won to the Lord was Joel, from Old Letant. He was as “mean as a snake.” We asked him one day if we could use his hut for our Mobile Clinic and to our surprise, he said “yes.” We just never knew that this was his “witch doctor” (Voodoo tonnel), area and he had just buried some animals in the ground during a sacrifice. But, in those few years, the Lord had said, “Don’t preach to him, just live your life before him and show him love and always keep your word.”

To shorten the story, we began to give the village food and conduct Mobile Clinics and give clothing to the village. One day, someone set fire to the whole village of mud huts and we went to them with clothes, buckets, money, and Bibles, for each family. When we finished and went outside the small block building where we did the distribution, “Joel” followed us out. He said, “Madamn Sherry, I want to become a citizen of the same country you belong to.” He meant, “I want to go to Heaven.”

After we prayed, and after he cried like a baby, and destroyed all his Voodoo things, I asked him, “Joel, what made you become a Christian?” He said, “I’ve been watching your lives for a long time and you kept every promise you have made.” Joel lived many years, became a pastor, and was the best Christian, and my good friend! He could not read but he memorized scriptures enough to win souls and pastor a church. He went to be with the Lord some years ago.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Just let people see “Jesus in you!”


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