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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Sowing and Reaping.”

We always like to talk about the “good things” that will happen when we sow something. We know, without a doubt, that if we sow kindness, we’ll reap kindness. If we are giving and we give to bless it will come back to us, definitely. If we are friendly, we will reap “many friends.”

But what about the “other side of the coin?” What about all the bad stuff we planted. Surely, it cannot remain buried forever. Those bad seeds are always growing. What we thought we would never get caught with, is already “in the making.” This is what happened to Jacob, son of Isaac.

We all know the story in Genesis 27. Isaac, the father of Jacob and Esau, was growing old and losing his eyesight. In fact, the only way he could tell which one was Esau, was because his arms were “hairy” and Jacob’s arms were smooth.

Jacob is getting ready to pronounce a “blessing,” upon each son. He calls for his oldest son, Isaac, but in reality, it is Jacob. A plan was hatched with the help of his mother Rachel, to put goat’s hair on Jacob’s arms, to disguise him as Esau. Isaac gives the “blessing,” to Jacob, which is like a prophetic word that will come to pass. Jacob got that blessing through deceit. But, he will pay for it.

Later in life, he meets two young women, Leah, the plain and older one, and Rachael, the younger and more beautiful one. Jacob works seven years for Rachael, but then his father-in-law tricks him on his “wedding night.” He tells Leah to put on the wedding clothes and go to bed with Jacob! Jacob must have drunk a little too much wine, because he never knew it was Leah. In the morning, in terror, he opens his eyes and he has married Leah! Ouch! He has to work seven more years, for Rachael. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7

So, let’s always sow “good seed!!!” So, let’s always plant good seed and not bad seed. Have a great day!!


P.S. The first thing I’m gonna ask Jacob when I get to heaven, is  “………………………………………………………………..?”

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