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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“The Spirit of Discouragement.”

We are living in a time of our life, when many, many are discouraged. It is an overwhelming force that overtakes you, even when you come to church. You can try to hide it with a dress, or makeup; you can try to hide it by “leaving” when you should be staying. It is an “evil spirit,” that brings your heart down to the ground. Sometimes, it is so heavy, that many think about taking their life.

But, don’t think you are alone if you are being tackled by this spirit. David, in the Bible, went through a very discouraging time. David and his small army were at a place called “Ziklag.” But, while he and his army were away, David and his men were supposed to go to battle for King Achish, but the Philistines did not want David and his men to go to battle with them. So, the king thanked David, but sent him and his men on their way home to Ziklag.

But, when David and his men got there, their enemy, the Amalekites, had come in and burned the whole city to the ground and, they had taken David’s wives and children and all the wives and children of “David’s army” back to Ziklag. The Bible says that “David was greatly distressed,” (discouraged), because not only were their families taken captive and their homes burned to the ground, and the entire city of Ziklag burned down, but, “the people spake of stoning David!” It was a “spirit of discouragement” that had come upon his army and the people. But, the Bible says, “but David encouraged himself in the Lord.” I Samuel 30:6

Today, if you are discouraged, look up! God already has a plan in place for you! He does nothing by accident, and whatever your trial is today, it won’t last forever! So, hold your head up, and keep on walking! God already has the problem worked out!! Praise God!


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