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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Stop Grumbling… Be Content”

My father and mother raised five of us kids in the hills of Pennsylvania. My father fixed televisions for a living, but we were very, very poor. Finally, he applied and got a job in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Everyone was so excited to move. My dad told us we would be “within a stone’s throw” of the beach, and that there were beautiful trees all over the place. We arrived at Merritt Island, Florida. We were not a stone’s throw from Cocoa Beach, but we got to go once. Our house was in a moderate new housing development with sand and dirt for the yards. My mother missed her small church in Pennsylvania. She missed the trees and her friends. She was so, so miserable…

One day, as she was “complaining” and praying to the Lord, she turned to Philippians 4:11… “for I have learned, in whatsoever ‘state’ I am, therewith to be content.” That did it for her. She was taking this as if God said, “You moved to another state, be content and I will bless you.” From then on, she was a happy woman because God wanted her to be “content!” We go through many trials in our life and things don’t always go our way, but God wants us to be content in any situation because He is always there with us.

God bless your day, today. Be content! God has everything under control!


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