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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Maybe God Sent this Giant, to Reveal Who You Are?”

“The Lord who delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.” I Samuel 17:37

The book of I Samuel is one of my favorite books in the Bible… All of us, as children, have heard the story of David and Goliath. How David fought the lion and the bear, and then, the giant, Goliath. All of us, during our lifetime, will face a “Goliath.” That Goliath may be a sickness, a child on drugs, a bad marriage, losing your house, or even your health.

But, God loves us so much, that He never sends a Goliath, until we have fought the lion and the bear! We may feel sorry for ourselves sometimes, and wonder why God doesn’t love us, because “if He loved us,” He would have stopped this from happening. But, that young teenager, in the middle of nowhere, with no “big brothers to call on,” and no neighbors to help him, fought off a lion and a bear, while he was tending his sheep.

We wonder how in the world David could have done this? The Bible doesn’t even mention that he told his father or brothers about the feats. To him, it was his job, to protect his father’s sheep. But he never knew that “the big one,” was coming! And David never knew that God had purposely sent him a lion and a bear, so that “Goliath,” was “just another piece of meat!”

David would use the “same slingshot” for Goliath, which he used for the bear and the lion. Maybe there is a lesson here… Yes, you may be facing Goliath, but you have already faced the bear and the lion and now, God is sending Goliath, to “reveal who ‘you’ are!” You are the “child of God!” So, pick up your sling, and “run towards your Giant!” You are already on the winning side!


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