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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

The story of Peter is a remarkable story… He begins his meeting with Jesus as a rough, tough fisherman. Jesus says, “follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” We read the stories of Jesus’ miracles as Peter watches. He finds himself along with others on a boat in the middle of a huge storm and of all things, “Jesus is walking on the water in the storm, with the waves crashing, to meet them.” It is Peter who says, “If it is you, Lord, bid me walk on the water to go to you…” and Jesus says, “come.” Peter walks on the water in the middle of the storm, but as soon as he takes his eyes off the Lord, he begins to sink and Jesus has to rescue him.

He is the one with the “desperate faith.” But yet, when the time comes down to them arresting Jesus, Peter denies the Lord… He leaves and goes out and weeps bitterly. But after the death of Jesus, something happened to Peter.

The disciples go together into the temple, and they see a lame man, who was laid at the gate, called “Beautiful.” He asked for alms (money) from them, but Peter, “fasting his eyes upon him with John,” said, “look on us.” And the lame man did because he “expected to receive something from them.” Peter tells him, “I have no silver or gold, but in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, “rise up and walk!” And the man did, walking and leaping and praising God, as he entered into the Temple.

Being in the “presence of Jesus” is a “life-changing experience.” It is more than “going to Sunday school” or doing church activities. It is being bathed in His presence… This Peter, who once denied the Lord, is now a “preaching machine,” filled with the power of the Holy Ghost! Never take the “presence of the Lord,” for granted. That’s where your healing comes… that’s where your faith rises up! That’s where you put your “giant clothes on,” and you know you can do “all things!”

All it takes is the “power of His presence!” Have a great day! Sherry

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