“Counting the Cost…”
In Luke 14, Jesus takes time to talk to the multitudes, as well as His disciples about “building a tower,” but first, counting the cost. He even talks about a King, who has to make a decision to go to war or to make peace. He must “count the cost.” We have had those who have come to Haiti and said, “We want to be missionaries. We see you on television, and we decided to work with you and live in Haiti.” But, soon the excitement left. Some became angry, some started to murmur and complain, some said, “It’s too rough,” and others said, “We miss the comforts of home.”
They never took the time to count the cost of the bridge they were building. Kathryn Kuhlman, a great evangelist, once said, “Following Jesus will cost you everything.” Today, the Lord is looking for those who will “take up the cross and follow Him.” Sherry