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Word from the Mission Field: 12-04-18 6:00 AM

“We’ve All Got Enemies…”
They are the ones who are planted in your life through Satan, and they want to prevent you from having that promotion. It can be as subtle as someone you “thought” was your friend, but he or she has deceived you. A powerful enemy can wear you down if you let him or her. Bobby and I had an enemy in Haiti for many, many years. I don’t even have enough “space” to tell you all that he has done to us, but God took care of him!
Just as David had an enemy, Saul, you may have someone who is “jealous of you.” They have now become your “enemy.” But, this is what the Lord is saying about your enemy…the same thing he told Hezekiah’s enemy, Sennacherib. “Therefore I will put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest.” 2 Kings 19:28 – Your enemy is “God’s enemy,” and He will fight the battle for you! Turn them over to the Lord! Have a great day! Sherry

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