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Word From the Mission Field: 12-2-18 6:10 AM

“What Do I Do When I’m in Distress?”
“When the waves of death compassed me, the floods of ungodly men made me afraid; The sorrows of hell compassed me about; the snares of death prevented me. In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: and He did hear my voice out of his temple; and my cry did enter into His ears.” 2 Samuel 22:5 – Sometimes, we do not realize that “great men of God” have faced death, distress, loss, enemies, and attacks of the devil. We all go through distress, and if someone says “I’ve never faced distress,” they are lying. We all go through “bad times, sorrowful times, and times when we feel that the devil is right on our heels.” No one felt this more than David, as he was running from Saul. He could have killed Saul many times, but he would not touch “God’s anointed.” So, David faced distress in his lifetime… But he learned that God was closest to him during these trials than at any other time. Today, if you are facing a “giant” of distress, call upon the Lord. He is waiting to help you… Help is on the way! Sherry

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