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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“The Blessings of the Lord.”

I really love the Book of Psalms. David is constantly communing with the Lord, trusting in Him, telling the Lord his problems, but more than that, praising the Lord for everything. Listen to this. “He (the Lord), will bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great. The Lord shall increase you more and more, (we all like that part), you and your children, (which means, that the Blessings of God come upon you and your children, are blessed!!!) Ye are blessed of the Lord which made Heaven and earth.” Psalms 115:13-15
God can give your children a job, that they were not qualified for, not had the skills for… He can “put a blessing on your children!”
We all want our children to be blessed. Our son has always been kind, obedient, and has always loved the Lord. He had a college degree but a simple job. He wanted to take some courses in cyber security. Truthfully, Bobby and I thought, “Jonathan would never be good at cyber security internet stuff… he belongs outdoors.” We just never thought he would rise to the position he is in today. Though he had a college degree in business administration, he went back to college and took cyber security (of all things!) When he was just halfway into his first year, someone came and took him out of class for an interview. Our son told them, “that he was just learning.” He knew nothing about this subject yet! But, his instructor said, “Go to the interview.” He did! He has had this job for a couple of years now and they send him around the world. He was “blessed,” because the Lord blessed our children through these scriptures. And, He will do the same for your children! “The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children!” Have a blessed day! Sherry
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