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Word from the Mission Field

“Out of the Miry Clay.”

We sing that song here in Haiti quite a bit… “He Brought Me Out of the Miry Clay.” I used to sing it in our little country church in Pennsylvania when I was a little girl:

“He Brought Me Out of the Miry Clay.

He set my feet on a rock today.

He put a song in my heart to stay.

A song of praise, Hallelujah!”

I do understand what David said in Psalms 40:1-2, “I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me and heard my cry; He brought me up also out of the miry land and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings!” Again, he said, in Psalms 69:14, “Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink.”

I am sure that you have also felt that sometime in your life, your feet were stuck in the “miry clay,” and you did not know how to get out. It’s like being stuck in quicksand… only the strong hand of the Lord can pull you out!!!

I really wish these “modern churches” would sing some of the older songs, that still have a good meaning. Have a great day and always remember that the Lord is there to pull you, “out of the miry clay!”


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