“Sometimes, You Gotta Do This to Get an Answer.”
People have different ways of praying. Daniel “opened up his window towards the east and prayed three times a day. Others pray on their knees, and some people walk and talk to God. But, there comes a time, when a tragedy strikes, and then, we pray in all kinds of ways. We walk the floor, we get on our knees, we lay before the Lord… But, there are times when a tragedy or something else happens, that we must “turn our face to the wall and cry unto the Lord.”
Hezekiah was a great king over Judah and served the Lord. But there came a day when King Hezekiah was “sick unto death.” The Prophet Isaiah came to him with a message from the Lord which said, “Set thine house in order for thou shalt die, and not live.” II Kings 20:1-2
When God sends a Prophet to you and says you’re “gonna die and not live,” that is a “final word.” It seems to me, that there would be no other chance for the king.
However, the Bible says that King Hezekiah “turned his face to the wall and prayed unto the Lord.” There comes a time when we all need a miracle in our life and when we do, we will find a way to “get a hold of God” for that miracle!! Somehow, someway, God heard Hezekiah’s prayer. God sent the Prophet Isaiah to turn around and go back to the King and say, “I have heard thy prayer, and I have seen thy tears; behold, I will heal thee; and I will add unto thy days fifteen years.”
So, don’t give up on God! You may have to “turn your face to the wall,” but when God hears, He will answer! And when He answers, you must give Him all the praise! Have a great day!