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Word from the Mission Field

“He’s the God of the Second Chance!”

Have you ever felt like you “really messed up your life?” Or maybe God called you to do something, and you haven’t done it yet? Great people in the Bible have failed God, and yet, God used them in a mighty way. Moses killed an Egyptian (Exodus 2:12), and yet, God used this humble man, who couldn’t talk well, to deliver the Hebrew nation and lead them out of Egypt to the promised land.

David was a great man of God. Yet, he fell in love with a beautiful married woman (another man’s midwife), got her pregnant, and had her husband killed. He paid the price for this sin, and yet, God forgave him and made him king. And God blessed the linage of David all the way to Jesus! Apostle Paul killed “many Christians,” but God used him in mighty ways, and he wrote two-thirds of the Old Testament, ending up a martyr for Jesus.

There are many great men in the Bible who failed God, but when God looked on their hearts and saw that they had repented, He gave them “another chance.” You may be thinking that you messed your life up and God won’t forgive you, but that’s a lie. “… a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. (Psalms 51:17) God is the God of the “second chance!” There’s always time to turn around and lay it at the feet of Jesus!


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