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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” John 10:14

Just how well do we “know His voice?” Sometimes we think that God has to yell at us, but the Lord can speak in a “small voice” and we should know it. The more we pray, the more we become “familiar with His voice.” In the Book of John, Jesus is talking about His sheep (you and me) and about the “stranger,” the devil, or an evil spirit. He tells us that “I know my sheep, and I am known of mine…” He also said, “I lay down my life for the sheep…”

A sheepfold, in the Bible days, was a wall; a circular walled-in area. Several families would keep sheep there. The sheep were protected at night from wild animals and thieves, but the shepherd on duty would sleep at the door to guard his sheep… even if it cost him his life.

Jesus knew that the thieves and robbers would not “come in through the door…” they would come in “over the wall…”

During the daytime, the shepherds would take their flocks into the fields for green pastures and water. Each shepherd would stand at the entrance of the sheepfold, and one by one, call their own sheep. The sheep “knew the voice of their shepherd.” They would leave the other sheep and only come out for their shepherd. They would not follow any other shepherd because “they knew the voice of their shepherd.” He loved them, and he walked ahead of them, and he guided them… he led them to “still waters” and “green pastures…”

Pray and “listen with your heart.” Learn the voice of your “shepherd,” Jesus. He is there, protecting you, guiding you, and loving you… He has laid down His life for you… each decision you make, pray about it… “listen with your heart.” He is “your shepherd,” and you are “His sheep,” and you know “His voice!”

Have a great day! Sherry

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