“What’s growing in your garden?”
Everything on the planet is related to a “seed.” Everything good and bad starts from a seed… You can plant a “good seed” in your garden or a “bad seed,” but whatever you plant, it will grow. Some people don’t have any friends, because they’ve never planted those “friendship seeds.” They always want someone else to “go the extra mile,” but they won’t lift a finger themselves; therefore, they are “friendless.” Others are stingy and won’t give, and they wonder why God doesn’t bless them. It’s because they didn’t plant their seeds…
Others, when they plant, they do nothing to help the seed grow… Maybe they “give,” but they do it “grudgingly.” Then they wonder why God doesn’t bless them… “A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.” (Luke 8:5) That seed was probably planted by the one who said, “I have to give, just because everyone is looking at me,” or “I’ll do as little as I can get by with.” Or they could be the church member that said, “Let someone else give it,” when God told “you” to give it!
Maybe you asked God for a “big thing,” but He gave you a seed. Once, when Bobby and I were first married, he was always praying for God to give us $10,000. He even fasted and prayed and prayed some more. Finally, the Lord spoke to him and said, “Bobby, I’m going to give you $10! You want a ‘general’s pay,’ but you’re still a private. Use the $10 and then, when you show me you can be responsible for $10,000, I’ll give it to you.”
You will never know how “big” your seed can grow until you plant it! Someone once said, “You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can’t count the apples in the seed!” Have a great day and go out and “plant something!” Sherry