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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Where do you put your trust?”

My mother, Marion Barner, was such a Godly woman. She was sweet, kind, humble, and loved the Lord with all her heart. One day, she gave me a precious gift… one of her favorite Bible verses. The psalmist David said, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)

David was a warrior from the time he was a teenager. After all, he had killed a lion and a bear while tending his father’s sheep. The Bible never tells us that David ran home and told his father he had a killed a lion, and then another day, a bear. To David, this was not worth mentioning to his father, as God was always with him. He had learned early in life that the time will come when we all face our “Goliath.” We will all face our battles. There is no other help, except the Lord!

No matter what you are facing today, and no matter how bad things look, no matter how big your mountain is or how much you feel “outnumbered by the enemy,” put your trust in the Lord alone! Face that battle because YOU are on the winning side!!! Now, praise the Lord ahead of time and have a great day!! God loves you, and we love you!!


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