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Word from the Mission Field

“It’s What You Leave Behind.”

Someone said, “When we leave this world it’s not what we take with us that counts… it’s what we leave behind.” Some people never think about others, how they can help the poor, or forgive someone who has wronged them. It’s “what you are,” and “how you have helped anyone or been kind to those who have done you wrong.”

In 11 Chronicles 21, you will read about Jehoshaphat, who was a good king, a Godly king, loved by everyone. But when he died, his son, Jehoram, took over. But he was an evil king and did nothing to help his people. In fact, he had all of his brothers killed. God smote him with a horrible disease of his bowels and he died. Listen to how he died… “he departed without being desired.” 11 Chronicles 21:20

Will we “depart without being desired?” Will we have helped someone who was poor? Did we take food to the hungry? Did we visit the sick? Did we slip that poor lady in the grocery line some money or pay it forward for her? I pray that none of us, who love Jesus, will not leave this life “without being desired.” We must run a good race till the end.


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