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Word from the Mission Field

“Dangerous Faith…”  It’s only “dangerous” to the devil!

Back in the 50s, there was a great man of God named “Jack Coe.” Whether you believe in divine healing or not doesn’t matter to those who were healed… many of whom were elderly women. Jack Coe believed that “God would heal” anyone of anything! He was known to “pull people out of their wheelchairs” and tell them to “run.” One lady had a huge cancer on her face and he took a handkerchief and placed it over the cancer and it fell off onto the handkerchief!  He carried the “thrown-away canes” and wheelchairs to all his crusades so that those who needed healing would have faith in God.

There are many “heroes of the faith” in the Bible who also had “dangerous faith.” Take David, for instance… Who in the world would fight a nine-foot-tall giant with a spear and a shield, and a man in front who also had a spear?! And who fights a giant with a slingshot? That’s like a squirt gun against an AK-47! That’s what “dangerous faith” will do.

The little woman in the Bible who had an issue of blood… She had already spent all of her money on doctors and was none the better. But she had “dangerous faith!” She pushed through a mob, weak and bleeding, and “touched the hem of His garment! Aha! She was healed!

Today, if you are believing God for a miracle, you may have to take a “dangerous step of faith” and do something drastic. Do something to show God that you mean business. God loves faith!!! He honors it!!! It is not complicated at all… It just means that “you believe God will do what He says He will do!” It is so positive that “nothing can shake you!” You “know that you know that you know!”

“Without faith, it is impossible to please Him!”  Hebrews 11:6

Have a great day and use that faith that God gave you!


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