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Word from the Mission Field

God can turn your setback into a “comeback!”

Have you ever heard the saying, “Two steps forward and three steps back?” Maybe you have worked so hard at something only to find out that it has “backfired.” You had great plans, but now the plans have failed, and you feel like a “failure.” Don’t feel that way. That’s just what Satan wants.

In Joshua 12:5-6, Israel has lost a battle to its enemy, “Ai.” Joshua, the leader, feels responsible for this “setback” until the Lord gets ahold of him! Joshua goes back out and fights the battle and wins!

In Luke 8:43, a woman had an “issue of blood” for twelve years! She had spent all her money on doctors, but nothing helped! She was dying and she was “broke!” I’d call that a “setback,” wouldn’t you? Until one day, Jesus came along and she pushed her way through the crowd to “touch His garment, the hem of His garment!” She was healed instantly!! She had a “comeback!”

So don’t be discouraged! Jesus can turn darkness into light, and He can turn your “setback” into a “comeback!” It’s gonna be a good day!!


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