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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Be Strong.”

“Be strong,” everyone can tell you that when you are going through “what seems like,” the greatest trial of your life. You immediately think, “But they don’t know what I’m facing.” No, they don’t… no one does, but Jesus! That’s why the Lord spoke this to a young man, who was facing the greatest test of his life… Joshua. He had been with Moses since they left with over 1,000,000 refugees, leaving Egypt, with Pharoah’s army on their trail. Joshua had seen Moses pray and God sent manna from Heaven. The people had no water, and Moses struck the rock and water came out gushing!! They had crossed the Red Sea, fought great battles and now, “the great leader,” Moses, was dead and Joshua was stuck with all these people! That’s why God told him, “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord, thy God is with thee; whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9

Your strength is in the Lord, only!!! You can do it! God is on your side!


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