“Faith, an Action Word.”
All Christians “talk about it,” books have been “written about it,” but it is not “faith” unless it “does something!”
Years ago, we met a man that Bobby called “Mr. Faith.” This story is in our book, “Love is Something You Do.” “Mr. Faith” was always preaching to us. He drove us nuts! When Bobby would see him coming, he would hide! This guy was always telling us about “how much faith he had,” until one day, God put him to the test! Bobby had just gotten his private pilot’s license and was about to fly in the tiny plane “all by himself.” Mr. Faith came to see Bobby but I told him, “Bobby is not here, he is getting ready to fly.” “Oh, can I go with him?” He said excitedly.
Mr. Faith thought he could preach to Bobby the whole flight, but Bobby was nervous because this was “his first flight by himself!” The little plane took off, with side winds slamming against it, and with huge updrafts and downdrafts!! With the look of concern in Bobby’s face, Mr. Faith asked Bobby, “How long have you had your license?” “I just got it,” replied Bobby nervously!
Just then, “all his faith went out the window.” Instead of praising God, he began confessing all his sins and his “infidelities” with other women! When they landed, Mr. Faith took a Greyhound bus back! God had put “his faith” to the test in Bobby’s airplane!
Faith is an action word. Don’t use it unless you are going to put some “action” behind Him! “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Don’t tell God you have faith… show Him! He will honor your prayer!!!