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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Doing the Small Things…”

It seems that nowadays, everyone wants to do the “big things” so that everyone will know “who does it!”

But the “eyes of Jesus” see the smallest things, and they are “magnified” in the eyes of Jesus!

In Mark 12:42-44, Jesus has been sitting in the Temple, watching the people cast in money into the treasury. His eyes were on the rich, how they cast in their gifts from their wealth; then came a poor widow, who humbly in cast in two mites, a farthing. He has told His disciples that “she had given more”… because the sacrifice is determined by “how much you have left” after you give…

“For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want, (need), did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” Jesus understands sacrifice.

He “gave all,” for us.


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