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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“How Bad Do You Want It?” Matt 11:12

Praying a “weak prayer” and “forgetting about it” will get you “nowhere.” Like the little woman and the unjust judge in Matthew 18:1-8.

This poor woman pounded on the door of the mean, nasty, in-just judge! Even though he did not want to open the door, and even though he told her to go home, she “kept on knocking!”

“Blind Bartimaeus,” who heard Jesus coming and yelled out to him, was told to be quiet and shut up! But what did he do?? He yelled even louder!

Jesus was passing through Jericho with a large crowd of people all around Him… thousands! But, a short, rich “Chief Tax Collector” named Zacchaeus wanted to talk to “this Jesus” about eternal life. The crowds were so great that no one could get through. What did “Shorty” do?? He climbed up in a sycamore tree as Jesus was passing by and called out to Him… and Jesus stopped! Not only did He stop and talk to him, but He “invited Himself” over to Zacchaeus’s house for supper!!

You may have to “beat His door down” or “cry out so loudly that your neighbors might call the police,” or you may have to “climb a tree” to get His attention! The question is, “How Bad Do You Want It?”

Do whatever you have to do, and God will move a mountain for you!!


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