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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Unstoppable!” That’s what God’s people are! When we know that God is on our side, nothing stops us!

In Nehemiah, Chapter 4, God’s people are restoring the temple wall! Everyone was working hard!! Sanballat, an enemy of the Jews, was the Governor of Samaria. He and other conspirators of the Jews decided to fight Nehemiah and all the people who were working on the wall. But that doesn’t stop “God’s people,” does it? So “everyone with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon!” They knew that if they obeyed God, he would fight for them!

Sometimes, we may have to have a Bible in one hand and a “weapon,” in the other hand! We must do what we have to do, to get the job done for Lord!! Have a great day! Keep the faith!


P.S. You can tell we’re missionaries… God has made us tough!

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