“Someone’s Always Watching You.”
We know, of course, that “the Lord is always watching you.” But, did you ever stop to think about how many people are “watching you,” especially people who are not Christians. These are the people who might be making fun of you, or who don’t go to church, or who say “they don’t believe God exists,” or it just maybe someone who is sick, hurting or needs a miracle in their life. Since they don’t know the Lord and don’t go to church, “you” are the answer. You have been strategically placed where you are, right now “for such a time as this.”
My greatest miracle in Haiti has been the conversion of Joel, a witch-doctor in Old Letant. He let me use his “Voodoo tonnel” for a Mobile Clinic! I remember that he had to “cover his Voodoo cross,” with a sheet, and move the hog he was getting ready to eat, and shoo the rooster out, that he was going to use for his Voodoo service. The Lord had told us, “Don’t pray in front of them. Don’t preach. Just let your light shine and keep your word.” We did just that.
About a year later, when we had a meeting with the village people, Joel was the in the back and he just kept staring at me… he moved to the front seat and kept watching me. Then, when we walked out and headed to the car, he tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Madamn Sherry, I want to become a citizen of the same country you belong to.” I said, “Joel, I’m not getting you a passport to the states.” He replied, “I don’t want to go to the states. I want to go to Heaven!” With that, he knelt down, and we started to pray. The more we prayed, the more he cried and shook. When he got up, he said, “You will never see the same Joel again! I’m the new Joel!”
One day, I asked Joel why he became a Christian… He said, “I’ve been watching you and Pastor Bobby for a long time. You always kept your word.” He said, “others talked and made promises but never kept them. I hated missionaries… but, you never preached to me, but you lived the life and kept your word.”
The Bible says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run the race that is set before us. ” Hebrews 12:1
Someone is always watching you! Sherry