What an incredible scripture from the Word of God…
“If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
We “all” have battles to face and everyone is different. Some battles are financial, some are physical or emotional, and other battles are set before us as a “test.” We are here in Haiti, “boots on the ground,” while we live each day “one day at a time.” The gangs have sent us word that they are going to take over the area of Fond Parisien and Love A Child, because we are just about eight miles from the border of the Dominican Republic. The U.S. Embassy has warned us, several times, to “leave” because of threats on our lives. But God has put many lives in our hands… you, our partners, have put your trust and your sacrifices in our hands. We have no weapons of defense, except the Word of God, whom we have seen, and yet, He is more real than anything or anyone in the world. He has said, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” So, here we are in our orphanage holding the line, trusting in the one and only God who holds us in “the palm of His hand.” There is no safer place to be for “if God be for us, who can be against us?” Sherry