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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

Many sermons have been preached and many books written about the “seed.” The “seed” is an incredible mystery of planting, watering, and harvesting. Genesis 8:22 says, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” We hold a seed in our hand not ever realizing what God sees in the seed. He sees not only the seed, but He already sees the yield! But sometimes, when God gives us seed to plant, we “eat the seed” before we can plant it.

Years ago, we received a 40-foot container of garden seeds! We were so excited! Haiti struggles for food and this could be the answer to their hunger, because not only would they have a harvest, but inside each fruit or inside the vegetables, there would be other seeds that they could plant! We hurriedly packed the seeds into Ziplock bags and loaded down our trucks. We drove to a small mud hut village close to us, where we knew the hunger was great. The people seemed a little sad because this time we had seeds and not food. We explained to them how they could plant the seeds, water them, and grow more food. We left the village and came back the next day expecting to see everyone on their knees, digging holes, and putting the precious seeds down in the ground to grow! However, we didn’t see that. Instead, we saw hungry children walking around with bags of garden seeds, eating them! They were “eating” their seeds!! It shouldn’t have shocked me. Christians do the same thing. God blesses us, and we are to “plant some money” into the Kingdom of God… And what do we do? We “eat our seed!” We are so afraid that “God cannot bless us,” or we “just can’t wait on God to let our seed bring forth fruit!”

We are so thankful to those who know how to give and love to give no matter where they give. And God is watching your “seed” to let it bring forth a harvest for you! So, don’t “eat your seed.” Plant it and let it bring forth!!! Sherry

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