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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“A Lesson of the Heart, Learned in Haiti.”

“Living here in Haiti for over 33 years has been quite an experience. I used to think that everyone in the world who sees a poor person, or a hungry child, that their hearts are touched, and they would “want to help feed them,” if possible. I began to understand that the rich here in Haiti, “do not even think that the poor exist.” They take their children to very wealthy “French-speaking schools” so that they won’t have to look at the poor. They will make sure that they become “more rich every day,” so that they can live “high up in the mountains” and never have to see the poor below.

We took a church team to Haiti… a wonderful church. One of the team members was a Haitian lady who had been raised by a wealthy family. She had lived all her life and  “never, never saw anyone poor.” When our pastor friend talked to her, she said she didn’t believe there were any poor in Haiti, because she had never seen them… so the pastor invited her to come on a missions team here to Haiti. She was doing pretty good until we drove through the dry, rocky riverbed, and she saw the poor mothers, sitting on the rocks, trying to wash their clothes… with their hungry children at their side. The Haitian lady actually fell to the ground, crying, with a broken heart and as we went deeper into the mountains, she saw even more! She cried quite a bit, but that trip changed her life.

The Bible says, “But whoso hath this world’s good and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” I John 3:17

Thank you, for allowing your heart to be open to the “cry of the poor.”


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