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Word from the Mission Field

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

We are such busy people nowadays that we don’t even remember that we are in a “fight” every day.

If we could open our “spiritual eyes,” we would see so many “spirits” (many of them evil, setting traps for God’s people, trying to discourage them and harm them).

This has happened even to men of God!!

Timothy said, “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called…” I Tim. 6:12

We are in a fight—a daily fight—but we are on the “winning side!”

Those things that bother us won’t bother us anymore! Those that hurt us won’t hurt us anymore.

So each day, after you put your clothes on, put on a “spiritual garment” and fight the good fight of faith!!

Have a great day! You’re on the winning side!


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