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Word from the Mission Field

“Who’s Fighting the Battle?”

“Who’s fighting your battle?” There are many times in our lives that we will be fighting a battle. That battle may be about you, your children, your situation, your job… anything! But sometimes, after we have been fighting and fighting, God says, “… be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s!” (2 Chronicles 20:15)

I love it when that happens!! God says, “Move over! I got this!” We are all soldiers in God’s army, but the Lord knows when you need a break and He tells you, “This one’s mine!” Maybe that’s you today. You may not have told anyone about what you are going through, but God is saying, “You have fought a good fight! This one’s mine!!” So, give it to Jesus! Now, thank Him!


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