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Word From the Mission Field…

“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this deal, The Lord knoweth them that are His…” – II Tim. 2:19

No matter where we are, or where we are going… no matter if we are in the biggest crowd, or sitting in a big baseball game of thousands, we all “stick out” because “the Lord knoweth them that are His!”

Many times here in Haiti, we take our orphanage children to a crusade at our Mache Mirak, where thousands attend… but we “know where all our Haitian children are!” We don’t let them out of our sight. As parents, you never let your kids out of your sight! The Lord is always “watching over His kids” too. He even knows “how many hairs are on our head!” He knows more about us than our doctors do! Why? Because “we belong to Him!”

Aren’t you glad He never takes His eyes “off His children!”

“The Lord knoweth them that are His.” Have a blessed day.


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