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Word from the Mission Field

“Thou Shalt Recover All.”

1st Samuel 30 shows the heart of David. He was a warrior, he could have killed King Saul twice but would not touch his life because he was “God’s Anointed.”

Now he and his men have returned from the country where he had been helping King Achish. The soldiers are going home to their families, and they find that Ziklag, their home, had been burned with fire and the enemy had taken their wives and children captive. David prays and asks God if he should go after them, and God tells him “Yes! You will recover all.” 1 Samuel 30:8

Today, if you are facing a great battle, whether it is your children, your job, financial matter, or whatever, this is “your Word” for today! This is also the Word for Bobby and me. Now, let’s all begin to praise God in advance!!


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