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Word from the Mission Field

“Worth More than Gold.”

I don’t think that anyone who is going through a trial, could say, “That was easy.” Trials are not designed to be easy. They are given to us to “make us tough.” God didn’t have to send David a lion and a bear. The Lord God could have protected David and never sent the teenager a lion and a bear to fight. “Who would do a thing like that?” The God that we serve always sends us “lions and bears!”

“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and Glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.” I Peter 1:7

Some may say, “Bobby and Sherry, you don’t know a thing about trials.” Yes, we do. We are only about 8 miles from the most dangerous gangs in Haiti! They have taken over the whole village of Ganthier, less than 10 miles from us!! But, we trust in the Lord our God! He will see us through! He will deliver us! So, hang in there! We will all come forth as gold!!


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