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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“Counting Hairs…”

Just “how valuable” do you think you are to God? Apparently, “very valuable.”

When we wonder, “Does our Heavenly Father care?” We need to think about what Jesus said in Luke 12:7… “But even the very hairs of your head are numbered…”

Now, just who wants to count “hairs?” We don’t even do that to our new baby or our other children! Jesus is teaching us “how valuable” we are to Him! Since He keeps track of how many sparrows die each minute, He goes on to say that we are more valuable than the sparrows.

God knows all about you… how many drops of blood are in your body… what you are thinking or worrying about… what your needs are… the shame you feel, the loss of something, the pain in your heart… He even “puts our tears in His bottle.” Psalm 56:8

I can assure you that He knows what you are going through today, and He will deliver you!

Have a great day.


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