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Word from the Mission Field

“Standing in the Gap”

“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30)

A person that “stands in the gap” for someone can deter the wrath of God on their life, giving that person a chance to repent. My father got my mother pregnant by force when she was a young lady in the 12th grade. My grandmother was old fashioned in her beliefs and made my mother marry him. She had four more children. But during that time, she gave her heart to the Lord!

For many years she was married to an alcoholic who could not keep a job. As my father grew older, her prayers were that “one day” he would give his heart to Jesus! He was in his late 80’s, but one day, he finally gave his heart to the Lord. My mother had “stood in the gap.” She kept the death angel from coming to get him until he would accept Jesus.

Today, God may use you to “stand in the gap” for that one soul. Say “yes” to Jesus! Have a blessed day and always be willing to “stand in the gap” for that one soul.


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