“With a High Hand.”
Have you ever heard the phrase, “they dealt me a low hand,” meaning, the enemies, or those opposite, dealt a “low hand” with someone to trick them.
In Exodus 14, we see over 1,000,000 Israelites, who had all been living in Egypt for over 400 years, now, running for their lives from Pharaoh. They surely must have been the first with “Stockholm Syndrome,” in mental bondage to their enemies. Now, they were being led by Moses, a servant of God, into unknown territory.
Until this time, they had been beaten, had barely survived and had never had any property or anything to call their own. But, when God put the pressure on Pharaoh, and all the “first-born” died, they were glad to get rid of the Israelites! In fact, the Bible tells us that the Egyptians gave silver, gold, precious jewels, expensive clothing, everything, to the Egyptians, to get rid of them, asap!
When they left Egypt, they left with silver, gold, and raiment… they left “rich!” God dealt a “high hand” to the Israelites and the children of Israel went out with a “high hand!” Wow!!
No matter what you are facing today, no matter who your enemies may be, no matter how bad the situation is, God is going to deal you a “high hand!” You are the “head and not the tail!” So, start praising God, now!