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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“No Man Can Serve Two Masters.”

We think we know and understand this verse, but for those of us who call ourselves, “Christians,” we may “think we can get away with it,” but we can’t. Jesus said, “No man can serve two masters: for he will either hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other.” Matthew 6:24

A short time ago, we won a witch doctor to the Lord. He had started out in voodoo, then left voodoo to become a Christian. But when a Haitian pastor deceived him, he went back to being a witch doctor. His name was Zachary (you may remember his story).

Not long after that, we found him, and he got converted! He burned everything he had that he used in his witch doctor business! He accepted the Lord, got baptized, and joined our Haitian church! We gave him a job, working in our ATC! But about six months ago, he thought he would meet with the voodoo gangs and make money from them, as being a spy and reporting anything at Love A Child, how many guards we had, etc. (we are not sure but he may have returned to Satan).

The people in Fond Parisien found out that he was a spy! They came into his house, checked his phone, and saw that he was communicating everything to the gangs! They made him lay face down on the floor and shot him, in front of his wife and children! This put a big “deep hole in our hearts,” because we had won him to the Lord! Today, if you are serving Jesus, serve Him “all the way!” No man can serve “two masters!” serve Jesus “all the way!


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